
Request for communication via email

During the quarantine period the National Museum in Warsaw acts in a responsible manner and observes the recommendations of the sanitary authorities. In order to limit the number of persons present in public places as much as possible and to protect the health of all of us and our families, most of us work from home. Therefore, we currently are unable to answer your questions over the phone.
If you have questions concerning any planned meetings, queries or events, please send an e-mail to those persons with whom you have exchanged correspondence so far.
Below you will find also e-mail addresses for general matters:
  • return/exchange of tickets for educational events:
  • return/exchange of tickets to permanent galleries:
  • scheduled meetings:
  • cooperation, contracts, official correspondence:
In those difficult days we will make every effort to answer your questions on a regular basis. 
Thank you for your understanding!
Also, we kindly invite you to browse the digital collection of the National Museum in Warsaw and to follow our on-line channels.
Illustration: amulet against diseases, early 20th century