
Warszawa niezaistniała. Niezrealizowane projekty urbanistyczne i architektoniczne Warszawy dwudziestolecia międzywojennego

Jarosław Trybuś, Warszawa niezaistniała. Niezrealizowane projekty urbanistyczne i architektoniczne Warszawy dwudziestolecia międzywojennego [Warsaw that never came to be. The unexecuted urban planning and architectural projects of the interwar period], graphic design: Magdalena Piwowar, Warsaw: Warsaw Rising Museum, The National Museum in Warsaw, Bęc Zmiana Foundation, 2012, ISBN 978-83-60142-56-1

This is the first publication that gathers the hitherto unrecognized and dispersed projects created with a view to Warsaw of the early 1940s. The Polish capital was preparing for the General National Exhibition that was to take place in 1944 in the vicinity of the Saska Kępa district. This year was to be a turning point, marking the future heyday of this modern European metropolis. The majority of illustrations found in the book have either not been published before or have been known from very poor reproductions. The photographs and architectural drawings from the collection of the National Museum and the National Digital Archives, among others, constitute as yet the most vivid image of “monumental Warsaw” created under the supervision of mayor Starzyński in the late 1930s. The author poses a tricky question: would this vision of Warsaw, not executed because of the war, have been different had the spectre of war not loomed over Europe?