Exhibition Catalogues
Urban Revolt. Avant-Garde Art from the Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw
eds. Ewa Skolimowska, Anna Turowicz, graphic design Matosek Niezgoda, The National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2017
eds. Anna Kozak, Agnieszka Rosales Rodríguez, graphic design Jerzy Gruchot, Wojciech Koss / Full Metal Jacket, National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2017
Tak widzą. Panorama fotografii węgierskiej / The Way They See. An Overview of Hungarian Photography
graphic design: Ryszard Kajzer, 64 pages with illustrations, The National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2017
W warsztacie niderlandzkiego mistrza / In the Workshop of a Netherlandish Master
written by Piotr Borusowski, Aleksandra Janiszewska, academic editor: Antoni Ziemba, graphic design: Jerzy Gruchot, Wojciech Koss / Full Metal Jacket, il., The National Museum in Warsaw (Warsaw, 2017)
The ″Anything Goes″ Museum
edited by Agnieszka Morawińska, translation: Aleksandra Szkudłapska, graphic design: Maria Bukowska, Warsaw 2017
Życie wśród piękna. Świat chińskiego uczonego
[Life in the Midst of Beauty. The World of a Chinese Scholar], edited by Joanna Popkowska, graphic design: Kuba Sowiński, Wojciech Kubiena / Biuro Szeryfy, The National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2016