CATALOGUE / Józef Chełmoński 1849–1914
Józef Chełmoński 1849–1914, edited by Ewa Micke-Broniarek and Wojciech Głowacki, translated by Marcin Wawrzyńczak, revised by Aleksandra Szkudłapska, graphic design by Magdalena Frankowska and Artur Frankowski / Fontarte, vol. 1: 208 pp., vol. 2: 456 pp., ill., National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw, 2024, ISBN (NMW) 978-83-7100-500-8 (both volumes)
This two-volume catalogue raisonné of the paintings of Józef Chełmoński, which was published to accompany the artist’s monographic exhibition, is the culmination of years of research.
The first volume consists of essays on the most important aspects of the painter’s life and work. The richly illustrated second volume showcases Chełmoński’s paintings, their histories, a list of their participation in exhibitions, an extensive bibliography, and additional explanations in the interlinears. The artist’s drawings and notes on the restoration and conservation notes summarising the technological research results are an interesting complement to Chełmoński’s work. The catalogue also includes works of unconfirmed authorship and pieces known only from references.
This publication is a true compendium of knowledge about one of the most important artists in the history of Polish art.