Exhibition Catalogues

The 1920 War: A Photographic Account

Fotorelacje. Wojna 1920 / The 1920 War: A Photographic Account, content editor Karolina Puchała-Rojek, transl. by Marcin Wawrzyńczak, graphic design by Dagny & Daniel Szwed | moonmadness.eu, 416 pages, illustrated, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie / The National Museum in Warsaw, Warszawa / Warsaw 2020, ISBN 978-83-7100-455-1 
The catalogue Photographic Accounts. The 1920 War is an attempt to reinstate a photographic image of the 1919–1921 war not only in general history and the history of photography, but also, and above all, in our memory. Among photographic accounts of the conflict we find propaganda pictures, taken for the deliberate and explicit purpose of being  published in the press, and private ones, originally not meant to be viewed outside the photographer’s circle of family members and friends; often unstaged ones, that reflect everyday realities of the war, showing their subjects in ways reminiscent of modern photography.
price: 70 PLN