International conference Fin de siècle rediscovered. A mosaic of the end of a century: artists, events, societies, activities
Conference / Programme / Partners / Accomodation
The National Museum in Warsaw is organizing an international conference: Fin de siècle rediscovered. A mosaic of the end of a century: artists, events, societies, activities which will take place on 25th-27th February 2014.
The conference is prepared in participation with MNW in the Partage Plus consortium ( The Partage Plus project sparked research which has brought to light a large group of hitherto unnoticed works which have not been studied in a wider cultural context. Broadening of the range of accessible works will change the perception of much of the art created around 1900 preserved in major museum collections.
Earlier studies of the art and culture of the turn of 20th century were often confined to the re-evaluation of artistic quality of works of art created between 1880 and 1914. For a long time various areas of creativity (e.g. architecture, photography or popular art) were denied any significant artistic value, which has greatly limited the scope of research. It has been considerably broadened during last decades and methodology has been enriched by new approaches. Today the evaluation of the artistic quality of works of art is not the only focus and the wider cultural and social manifestations accompanying a specific moment in the history of art attract more attention. What attracts more interest today are subjects such as the intellectual formation of artists and other people active in artistic milieus, differences in ideological attitudes (internationalism versus vernacularism), artistic creeds (between social engagement and aestheticism) or analysis of such phenomenon as synaesthesia or pantheism and new forms of spirituality.
The organizers of present conference wish to further stimulate and broaden the accepted view of belle époque and will gladly accept contributions which open new areas of research. Submissions devoted to artists hitherto neglected for various reasons are especially encouraged, as well as studies devoted to the geopolitical and historic background of artistic processes. Differences and similarities between secession movements in European countries, their reception in the New World, and the relationship between art and mass culture around 1900 are among the subjects which will receive attention. We would also like to encourage papers devoted to conservation of works of art around 1900 and technological issues. Conference languages are Polish and English. All presentations will be translated simultaneously.
Titles of presentations with abstracts (up to 250 words) should be submitted until the 31st of October 2013. Duration of presentation: ca. 20 minutes. Submissions should include: name, surname, title, institution, contact information ( email address, phone number ), subject of presentation, requirements (e.g. multimedia projector etc.), information if you agree for recording and/or live broadcast of your presentation.
Address for correspondence:
Information about accepted submissions will be sent out on November 30th. Transport and accommodation costs are not refunded by the organizers.
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International Conference: Fin de siècle rediscovered. A mosaic of the turn of the century: artists, events, societies, activities.
National Museum in Warsaw, Cinema Hall, 25th–27th of February 2014
25th of February, Tuesday – Day One
8.30-9.00 – Registration of participants , Coffee and tea served at the entrance to the conference hall
9.00-9.15 – Conference opening: Director of the National Museum in Warsaw, Agnieszka Morawińska, PhD
Session I (9.15-11.35) moderator: prof. Andrzej Szczerski (Jagiellonian University)
Erik Buelinckx (Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels), Henry Van de Velde’s use of the concept of ‘art nouveau’ in his early writings
Grzegorz P. Bąbiak (University of Warsaw; Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Literary and artistic anthologies of the European fin de siècle
Marek Grajek (University of Warsaw), An attempt to create a new and better citizen. The role of the press in shaping a mass audience at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Karolina Karpińska (Adam Mickiewicz University), “For everything is now fin-de-siècle!” Social and cultural panorama of the end of the 19th century based on the novel Fin-de-siècle-ist by Gabriela Zapolska
Jeremy Musson (London), Snatched from Time’s effacement: Sargent, the Sitwells and the embers of aristocratic life
Łukasz Pisarzewski (Fryderyk Chopin Museum at The Fryderyk Chopin Institute); Chopin competition of the Parisian Art magazine by Antoni Potocki
Anna Żakiewicz (National Museum in Warsaw), A sex fiend or an intellectual? The image of femme fatale in early works of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
Łukasz Kossowski (Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature), Scandals at the turn of the centuries
11.35-11.50 – Coffee break
Session II (11.50-15.10) moderator: Zofia Weiss Nowina-Konopka (The Wojciech Weiss Museum Foundation, Kraków)
Tomasz F. de Rosset (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), Les Arts Incohérents - inventiveness at the close of the century
Radosław Okulicz-Kozaryn (Adam Mickiewicz University), Self-elevation and collapse into laughter. Wędrówka ducha myśli by Bolesław Biegas and Mistrz Kłębek by Henryk Piątkowski
Anna Budziak (Wrocław University), British Decadence as Post-Classicism
Zuzanna Markiewicz (University of Lodz), “The last flash of heroism in the decadence” – Dandy fighting for modern beauty
Emilia Śliwczyńska (Catholic University of Lublin), Postmodern dandy – comeback or reinterpretation?
Katie Smith (Collections Trust) Arthur Wakerly – Businessman, Politician, Architect and Turkey lover
Urszula Kozakowska-Zaucha (National Museum in Kraków), “Finally a decent exhibition” – new space for art – raumkunst and art salons
Julia C. Reuckl (Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna), Between dilettantism and independent art – Women at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts
Anne Marie ten Bokum (Design Museum Gent, Ghent), “Art Nouveau ladies at work”: rediscovered women artists in the collection of Design Museum Gent
Merja Vilhunen (Designmuseo, Helsinki), The Emergence of Applied Arts in Finland
15.10-16.10 – Lunch
Session III (16.10-18.30) moderator: prof. Grzegorz P. Bąbiak (University of Warsaw; Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Marta Rachlewicz (University of Warsaw), Fanny Garde and Effie Hegermann-Lindencrone – the forgotten virtuosos of Danish porcelain
Aleksandra Kasprzak (National Museum in Warsaw), The phenomenon of Polish historiated glassware produced for collectors
Joanna Regina Kowalska (National Museum in Kraków), Art Nouveau embroidery in the collections of the National Museum in Kraków
Andrzej Szczerski (Jagiellonian University), Ebenezer Howard at 1912 Esperanto Congress in Kraków
Arlene Peukert (Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest) Hidden Treasures Rediscovered – The Bigot-Pavilion in the Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts Budapest
Maria Zwierz (Museum of Architecture in Wrocław), Searching for new ideas and forms of spiritual life – symptoms of this tendency in exhibitions presented in Wrocław in 1904 and 1913
Dariusz Kacprzak (National Museum in Szczecin), “Szczecin’s struggle for art”, or on a Pomeranian meeting between Polykleitos and Vincent van Gogh at the close of the belle époque
Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz), Is there anything like South African belle époque?
18.30-19.00 – Debate
26th of February, Wednesday – Day Two
8.30-9.00 – Registration of participants , Coffee and tea served at the entrance to the conference hall
Session I (9.00-11.40) moderator: Marcin Romeyko-Hurko (National Museum in Warsaw)
Anna Wietecha (University of Warsaw), Around the chaos of hypotheses or the unity of antinomy?
On sensual and extra-sensual reality in The New Woman by Bolesław Prus
Wacława Milewska (National Museum in Kraków), Auto-sacralisation in the art of Jacek Malczewski – orthodoxy, sacrilege or an act of “knowing faith” as in the Genesis from the Spirit by Juliusz Słowacki?
Agnieszka Bagińska (University of Warsaw), Tours of studios – between documentaries and advertisement or reviews of artists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Ewa Ziembińska (National Museum in Warsaw), Les Nabis and Natanson brothers. History of the Parisian collection.
Dorota Seweryn-Puchalska (Lublin Museum), “Human smell of the city! What a dreadful thing!” Art colonies – in quest for Heimat
Dorota Kudelska (Catholic University of Lublin), Polish artists (artists from Poland?) at Vienna exhibitions around the year 1900
Zofia Weiss-Nowina Konopka (The Wojciech Weiss Museum Foundation, Kraków), Weiss and the Vienna Secession. A new space for artistic dialogue
Anna Gawarecka (Adam Mickiewicz University), World painted in twisted colours. On the Czech returns to the fin de siècle
11.45-12.00 – Coffee break
Session II (12.00-15.00) moderator: Justyna Guze (National Museum in Warsaw)
Andrzej Holeczko-Kiehl (Silesian Museum in Katowice), Sacrum in the architecture of Central Europe in the years 1890-1910
Marta Ostrowska-Bies (Wrocław Uniwersity), Between historism and modernism.
On architectural community of Silesia around the year 1900 in the context of the first Exhibition of the Silesian Architects’ Association in 1905
Agnieszka Gryglewska, Agnieszka Witkowska (Wrocław University of Technology), Art Nouveau designs on the elevations in Wrocław – materials and technologies
Jolanta Wnuk (Museum in Gliwice), Fragile beauty of domestic sacrum and noble profanum in the decor of Art Nouveau tenements and villas in Gliwice
Szymon Piotr Kubiak (National Museum in Szczecin), Deutsche Mannschaft. The building of Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris and the reception of German architecture on the eve of the Great War
Piotr Kibort (National Museum in Warsaw), Between metropolis and the provinces. Traditionalism and early modernism in the designs of the architect Jarosław Wojciechowski (1874-1942)
Andrzej Laskowski (Kraków University of Economics; National Heritage Board of Poland), Mosaics versus stained glass in Galicia – mutual relations of both painting techniques
Oleksandr Overchuk (Lviv), Secular stained glass in Lviv from the beginning of 20th century. An overlooked gem
Aneta Czarnecka (Warsaw), The “Radial Stone” temple – unrealised designs of temples as an example of Gesamtkunstwerk by Hugo Höppener (Fidus)
15.00-16.00 – Lunch
16.00-16.40 – Tour of the Warsaw National Museum gallery
Session III (16.40-19.20) moderator: Ewa Frąckowiak (National Museum in Warsaw)
Piotr Paweł Czyż (National Museum in Warsaw), Echoes of Polish symbolic painting in graphic nocturnes. Inspirations and auto-interpretations of Feliks Jabłczyński and Zofia Stankiewicz
Jan Gondowicz (Warsaw), On literary output of Feliks Jabłczyński
Agnieszka Salamon-Radecka (National Museum in Poznań), A forgotten artist from the Great Poland region - Jan Kazimierz Mycielski (1864-1913) and the beginnings of Polish graphic arts
Maja Żyłajtys-Wrońska (Wrocław), Franz Laskoff – a Polish graphic artist in Milan
Anna Manicka (National Museum in Warsaw), A cello and a top hat. Unknown aspects of the drawings by Konstanty Brandel from the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw
Renata Piątkowska (Museum of the History of Polish Jews), “To open a new heaven”. Artists and Jewish modernity in Poland
Krystyna Kulig-Janarek (National Museum in Kraków), From national matters to earthly delights, or on the familiar, Galician functional prints from the beginning of the 20th century
Magdalena Czubińska (National Museum in Kraków), Commercial posters (commercial advertising) from Kraków and Lviv until World War I
19.20-20.00 – Debate
27th of February, Thursday – Day Three
8.30-9.00 – Registration of participants , Coffee and tea served at the entrance to the conference hall
Session I (9.00-11.20) moderator: prof. Dorota Kudelska
Piotr Kopszak (National Museum in Warsaw), Metaphors of consecrated life around the year 1900
Urszula Makowska (Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Jan Rembowski – epigone or continuator of Wyspiański?
Monika Chudzikowska, Katarzyna Wodarska-Ogidel (Theatre Museum in Warsaw), Artistic and literary community in the caricatures by Stanisław Jerzy Kozłowski
Aleksandra Pawlikowska (Warsaw), Floral motifs in the works of Jan Bulas
Adam Szeląg (Wrocław University), A source of life-giving energy or a tool of Luciferian power? The symbolism of sunlight in the era of fin de siècle illustrated with an example of the Breton diptych by Ludwik de Laveaux
Justyna Guze (Natonal Museum in Warsaw), Late works of artists – notes in the margin on account of the drawing by Henri Joseph Harpignies (1891-1916), Forest landscape, 1907, in the collection of
the National Museum in Warsaw
Ewa Gwiazdowska (National Museum in Szczecin), Young artist on their way. Alfred Meister in quest for the truth of art
11.20-11.35 – Coffee break
Session II (11.35-13.35) moderator: Ewa Ziembińska (National Museum in Warsaw)
Izabella Powalska (University of Lodz), The works of painters from Łódź from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Dorota Kamińska-Jones (Nicolaus Copernicus University), The women by Ravi Varma – ideal or anti-ideal? Dilemmas of the Indian art from the turn of the centuries
Agata Wójcik (Pedagogical University of Kraków), “Indefinite but omnipotent charm” or “a boudoir and harem-like manner”? Oriental motifs in the works of Pantaleon Szyndler
Katarzyna Chrudzimska-Uhera (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University), Art Nouveau in Zakopane? An outline of sculpture by Wojciech Brzega and Józef Skotnica
Paulina Zarębska-Denysiuk (Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Lublin), Bolesław Jeziorański – a forgotten sculptor of the Young Poland movement
Maria Stopyra (Regional Museum in Rzeszów), Inspirations of Young Poland movement sculptors in the context of the exhibition Polish fin de siècle sculpture
13.35-14.35 – lunch
Session III (14.35-15.55) moderator: Łukasz Kossowski, PhD (Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature, Warsaw)
Katarzyna Łomnicka (The Wojciech Weiss Museum Foundation, Kraków), Józef Sperling (1884-1949) – entrepreneur and innovator
Elżbieta Matyaszewska (Catholic University of Lublin), Space of a café – space for the art. “Jama Michalika” in Kraków, fin de siècle and Young Poland
Karolina Prymlewicz (Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences), “A chair for sitting”. On Art Nouveau applied art in German caricature
16.00–17.00 – Debate and closing of the conference